Physical Therapy & Science Association
F&W Association for Physical Therapy & Science is an academic network of physical therapists and academics in The Netherlands and abroad. We aim to facilitate scientific physiotherapy research and provide an online platform for digital access to research resources.

Knowledge and research through F&W Case Reports, F&W Expert and F&W News sharing and strengthening of the scientific knowledge on physical therapy.
Philosophy Physical Therapy & Science
Broaden-and-build theory
The method focuses on positive emotions such as joy and interest which encourages the exploratory nature of the work. Meeting the members and scientists from the network as well as reading everyone's scientific interests provides inspiration for the development of new partnerships and scientific research.
The network serves as a system to be considered in which the members and the online platform spontaneously lead to new studies, partnerships and projects.
Creative Commons
F&W is non-profit association. The income of F&W is used to fund the online platform and scientific research. The F&W full text sources can be consulted and shared through principles of non commercial creative commons. It should be the attribution of the original author and association to be called.